Keynote speaker
Artificial Intelligence for Agricultural Robotics
Forum International de la Robotique Agricole, 08-10, Décembre 2020.
La Formation Médicale Continue au Maroc: Etats des Lieux, Problématique et Perspectives
22 Février 2020.
IA et Machine Learning au service de la modélisation de la COVID-19
Vendredi 10 Avril 2020 à 19h,
Digital Health: quelles perspectives au Maroc ?
17 ème édition de la journée MedBioTech, Rabat 19 December 2019
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and beyond
The Makerspace Workshop on High Performance Computing and Robotics, Marrakech 17-22 Dec 2018
l’IA au service des Sciences de la santé
Colloque International sur l’Intelligence Artificielle en Sciences de la Santé, université Mohammed 6 des Sciences de la santé, 28 Mars 2019.
Introduction to Machine Learning algorithms
International School For Big Data and Data mining Models, Tangier, 12-14 July, 2018.
Towards a Smarter, healthier and happier world with Clouds, Big Data and IoT
Advanced Information Technology, Services and Systems (AIT2S2017). April 14/15 2017, Tangier.
L'Intelligence Artificielle: Perspectives de Recherche au Maroc
Les Rendez-vous de la Recherche
AI et IoT au Service de l’industrie 4.0 : Les challenge de l’ingénieur du furtur
6ème édition du forum des entreprises de l’ENSA de Kenitra, 26 Février 2020.
Advanced Applications of ArtificiaI Intelligence
International conference and summer school AI2SD2019, Marrakech, July 08-11
Big Data Analytics for IoT based platforms
IEEE Women In Engineering International Leader Summit, in conjunction with CIST2018, 21-27 Oct 2018
Tutorial: Machine Learning in Medicine
Summer school on Modern Mathematical and Statistical Computing Methods in Medicine, 3rdto 6th of July 2018, Marrakesh, Morocco.
Speech title: “Data for Smart Spaces”
The Mediterranean Symposium on Smart City Applications (SCAMS 2017), October 25-27, 2017, Tangier, Morocco.
A Smart Phone that Knows You're Angry
Speaker at TEDx Casablanca, Youtube (900 people attended):
Data in the Real World
March 20th, 2018 ENSIAS, Rabat, Morocco
Artificial Intelligence and Deep learning: The shift from building cool tech to solving real problems
Keynote speaker in the 7th international Conference on Multimedia
Computing and Systems ICMCS2020. October 1st , 2020
Dermatologie Augmentée grâce à l’Intelligence Artificielle
17ème congrès du CODECPA, Mazagan Beach Resort, El Jadida, 06-07 Mars 2020.
Artificial Intelligence for IoT based systems
colloque international sur les objets et systèmes connectés, 17-18 Juin 2019, Casablanca
Introduction to Machine Learning
The International Conference on Big Data and Smart Digital Environment, November 29-30, 2018, Casablanca
Machine Learning and Applications
the 3rd international conference on advanced information technology, services and systems, 17th and 18th october 2018 – fs & technologies – Mohammedia – Morocco
Big Data projects, just jump right in!
International Symposium on Data Engineering and Information Systems (DEIS2017) May 19-20 2017.
L’Intelligence Artificielle au service de la santé
conférence inaugurale du Forum Pharmaceutique International PFI 2019, sous le haut patronage de sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI (Audience 2500 personnes), Palais des Congrès Marrakech 05-06 Juillet 2019.
7th international Conference
Keynote speaker in the 7th international Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems ICMCS2020. Title : “Artificial Intelligence and Deep learning: The shift from building cool tech to solving real problems”, October 1st , 2020